Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pilli Blog Reaches 1000 Views!

The Pilli blog oficially reached the 1000 page load mark and 900 unique views this week - a tally which has kept on rising. As a result, I am considering selling it to google or microsoft for a ridiculous amount of money cuz thats what seems the 'in' thing to do these days. Also, I will now go forth into the public arena with expectations that one in every twenty thousand Aussies will recognise me and ask for an autograph - which for females will be preferably in or around the chesticle area. Oh, almost forgot to thank you guys - the fans - because after all this wouldn't have been possible without you guys...well it actually wouldn't have been possible without me either so essentially its a chicken-egg scenario but meh, I'll be cliche this one time. Kk, I'm gonna go now and buy a new bed and pillow which'll fit my massive new head and ego...along with other abnormally large things...e.g. my nose. lol tricked you guys!

P.S. There have been anonymous complaints as to whether people are taking the poll seriously or not (from Jacob). So take it seriously or Jacob will bash you.

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